About us

Welcome to rcubjava.blogspot.com , your number one source for all things java material . We're dedicated to providing you the best of Java material , with a focus on dependability.

We're working to turn our passion for java material into a booming online education . We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

Hello friends, I'm omkar k Dengi from vijayapur. I had completed BCA degree with 89% percentage. 

Here the idea of creating a website came into reality. Since I was a student and pursuing BCA(Bachelor of Computer Application) and therefore I immediately decided to create a website on subjects of Java and I named it as rcubjava.blogspot.com. 

On 11th september, 2011 I launched rcubjava.blogspot.com and since then Java -Notes has become well known name in the industry.

Now I'm studying M.sc computer science at higher university rani channamma university Belagavi. 

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your Sincerely,

omkar Dengi

                                                    Thank you. 


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